What you personally may or may not have a use for isn't really relevant - the point is that your personal feelings aside, VB was and is the most popular programming language around. And no, that isn't just for hobbyists.
Well, Ford taurus is the most popular car sold. . .
Would I buy one? no, they suck
probably pissed some people off with that one
the FACT is (
note the word fact ) there are things you could not do in vb6 that you could do in Delphi. these things were important qualities a language should have. besides the event/delegate model, the ability to declare variables of a specific class type. before you start saying 'what do you mean? we did that all the time!'
here is what I mean -
TParentClass = class(TObject)
procedure DoSomething; virtual;
TChildClass = class(TParentObject)
procedure DoSomething; override;
TMyClassType = class of TParentClass;
TClassProcessor = class(TObject)
fProcessor: TParentClass;
procedure Run;
constructor Create(AClass: TMyClassType);
and the following constructor for TClassProcessor:
constructor TClassProcessor.Create(AClass: TMyClassType);
fProcessor := AClass.Create;
and the following definition for Run:
procedure TClassProcessor.Run;
now I could write a program that does this:
ParentProcessor, ChildProcessor : TClassProcessor;
ParentProcessor := TClassProcessor.Create(TParentClass);
ChildProcessor := TClassProcessor.Create(TChildClass);
You may ask why this is important, I don't have time to explain, but it is. The flexibility that this gives the programmer is immense. Specifically in creating specialized thread/server classes.
fact is you
could not do that in VB. therefore the fact is,
VB was an inferior language. And I am sorry if you are offended by that.
Now, with reflection as part of the .NET framework you can now do it in VB.NET, but now we are back to relevant experience of the programmer as to knowing when and how to leverage technology.
AlexCode said:
but I allways feel some compassion about theese [sic] kind of people with so many lack of "mind ilumination".
I have been careful to include specific examples of the lackings of VB and the conclusions I have drawn about VB development
in general and no one has rebutted any of the items I have cited except to say that their feelings were hurt.
No programing language make a good developer...
But a good developer is the one that can make a good app with any programing language...
AS a corrollary to this argument, there are things you
cannot do with VB, therefore a good programmer would not rely on it.
and by reflection: a programmer that relies on VB is not a good programmer!
Smile g-d damn it!!! I am just trying to ruffle your feathers! You act like I just told you there is no Santa Claus!!!
This isn't the right thread to ask your Visual Studio question in, but I've a suspicion outbursts like "learn to program!!!" directed at the countless people on this board who make a living writing VB won't do you any favours when it comes to answers.
Point well taken. . .
Still, my advice to new programmers is don't build a dependence on VB. Learn to program with a robust language.
When I say learn to program, I mean learn to program in general. Take courses that deal with technique and practices that don't teach the specifics of particular language.
Same thing with OS's and RDBMS. learn what an OS is in general/Learn what an RDBMS is in general, therefore you can work on any platform. Its just a matter of picking up a manual to determine how Linux manages processes or Oracle handles locks.
Just like figuring out how VB6 handles variables of class types is just a matter of looking in the help file. . .
OH NO! VB6 can't do class types!!!!
BTW. . . did I tell ya? VB Sucks!!!
so back to my original problem. . do I have to create an Add-in project???? now that would really suck!!
Is there a visual studio forum that someone could point me to?
Joe Mamma . . .
PS Don't forget rule 62!!! you do know rule 62, dont you???