Redirection maintaining GET and POST data

I know, I have a similar option on my own forum. I just don't think it's applicable to this app. Thanks for the comments though! :)
You can also increase the session timeout period. One thing I want to note is that if your user needs more than 20 minutes to fill out a form, then I think you should reconsider designing your data entry form to span multiple forms, thats IMO.
Sure, if was a questionnaire type form I would. But it will be making changes to large amounts of data in a large textbox - no way round it. It's not that I expect people to take 20 minutes with it though anyway. More that it's quite likely to start then get interrupted by a phone call and then resume after - easily passing 20 minutes.

My 2 cents:

What if the client machine is set to deny cookies and the user can't change the option?

Where exactly would one change the session timeout? There seem to be quite a few timeout settings littered throughout a solution and machine.config.
What if the client machine is set to deny cookies and the user can't change the option?

It won;t be for anyone who should have access ;)

Also as I'm only using sessions rather than cookies per se cookieless sessions where the session id is passed in the url is possible.
