Opinion: What makes a good asp.net app??

Thanks. Will check that too.

We did ask the user. She couldnt remember. As she reported the error, I went to the search page, clicked and got the out of memory error. Then other users started reporting it. I know that page calls a stored proc. Should I follow that lead?? Or do I need to know what caused THE FIRST out of memory error(ie, the first reported out of memory of the day) and follow that lead.

It was fixed when we rebooted the machine.

Let me also check the "in proc" session state.
It's hard to tell what lead to follow. Because everyone was affected and a server reboot fixed it (although I'm sure an IISreset would do the same thing and be a lot quicker), it sounds like something else.

Have you monitored the aspnet process on the server? And start writing down the times of the out of memory errors, see if there's a pattern (every 4 hours, every 7 business hours, etc.)
Although checking out the stored proc wouldn't hurt. See if there are any goto's in the stored proc. that could be one of your problems - an infinite loop that causes an overflow - which ASP.NET can't catch for some stupid reason.
They brought a guy to look at Garbage Collection stuff in the code...

Meanwhile, one of their developers said this:

we found evidence that upgrading to Windows 2003 would allow the ASPNet worker process to access even more memory, as much as 1.8Gb (assuming we had that much available on the machine for IIS, after the OS and other services started).

is this correct?