
The index of a control is assigned as you add the control to the form....last control added has an index of 0, first control added has greatest index.
ok i've got all the labeling written and i cant find out how to add items to a combo box.

nething will help, thx

and o ya, ".Items.Add" wont work
Works in the app I created to mimic your form.
Are you placing the item to add in the ()?
Show me your code frag.

Here's how to add mutiple items using an array.

Visual Basic:
 Dim item As String
        Dim someitems() As String = New String(2) {"hello", "from", "combobox"}  ' (0) through (2). 

        For Each item In someitems
like the other stiff in this topic, i'm calling this from a class and the ComboBox1.Items.Add("Blah") wont work in a class, do u see what i'm getting at here?

thanks neways