"I know you but I never saw you"

Hi EFileTahi-A,

I'm just kidding with the reversal of your name. Dyslexia is a genetic condition which can cause the affected person (me being one) to often reverse letters and numbers, get lefts and rights mixed up, etc. The comment applied to nerd's age of 31...reversed is 13.
I'm 33 - the original picture was taken about 1.5 years ago, pre-goatee. If you follow the nerseus link above, you'll see a second photo, slightly newer. I look considerably older with a goatee, probably why my wife likes it so much. Maybe that will bring me closer to DiverDan? :p

LOL !!! You'll need to sprot a whole head of white hair along with the goatee....

If I can remember (memory gets a little cloudy at my age you know) I think I had a conversation with God about what dirt should be made of....

btw, I glad my sons are now doing upper and lower graduate studies and I have lots of free time...BUT they were sure a lot of fun when they were your son's age. Kids are truly God's best gift.
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Here is a picture taken last month when I was volunteering in Waveland, Mississippi.

DiverDan said:
Hi EFileTahi-A,

I'm just kidding with the reversal of your name. Dyslexia is a genetic condition which can cause the affected person (me being one) to often reverse letters and numbers, get lefts and rights mixed up, etc. The comment applied to nerd's age of 31...reversed is 13.

Ok clearified... :)
EFileTahi-A said:
VagabondSW, is that really water you're holding or something else? ;)
Heh. That really was water. There were few other choices there.

I certainly wouldn't want to be driving the first beer truck into the area. That will probably end up looking like something out of Mad Max: The Road Warrior.