How to debug a user control?

Ok with a web control library project, it seems to be working.

Thank you

I'd still would like to know how to do this within a single project :-\
ok can someone just send me a whole solution with a project in witch a web page (.aspx) imports a assembly that contains a class(.cs). The class could be a validator. No .ascx files. The top of the page would be:

<%@ Register TagPrefix="eval" Assembly="myAssembly" Namespace="myAssembly" %>

The whole project would work fine without adding any static references in the project. Just hiting the «play» button would do all the job needed.

This would help me a lot! I've been tearing my hair off for 2 days! :confused:
It's always working when my web application project is a virtual dictorory(of my default web site). If I want to do the same thing directly in the web root, it doesn't work.
ok I flushed the whole project and recreate it. It seems to be working. I still dont know why my first project didn't work.

Thank you for you support