HELP! new to!

Hyuga said:
It seems that in your ASP code you are looking for the button called BtnWrite, and you should look for the button testbutton. Your value, if the javascript works fine, should be placed in button1.value, and you have to access this control value from your ASP to recover it.

hey hyuga, thanks for the reply. I got that part to be working. my javascript function now is:


function DisplayMsg(n) {
self.document.forms[0].elements[14].value= temp1+event.clientX-x;

// End -->

and my hidden field that saves the value is declared as:

<input type="hidden" id="testid" style="Z-INDEX: 137; LEFT: 1200px; WIDTH: 152px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 352px; HEIGHT: 24px"
value="testid" name="testid" runat="server">

so in my "drag" class, i call the function, "DisplayMsg" and send a string variable with the name of the id of the image being dragged.

my problem now is that, how do i save the id of the image? when the image is being dragged, the "drag" class starts up, but I want to save the id of the drag class instance that is being moved on at the moment.

i tried to do "" but it gives me "n=undefined"

does anyone know how to make it work ?

thanks again ;)