First Impressions on VS.Net 2005

Lines running across the screen??? I dont follow!!!

We use a horrid 12yr old problem at work (by CA of all people), and that has bracket matching.....not coloured but it flashes the start of a bracket when you add the end one. Useful if you have 3/4 embedded. They use colour ones on Excel.
VS does bold the start / end brackets as you type them - so you can see the matching that way. Also if you place the cursor before a bracket (opening or closing) id highlights it and the matching bracket.
PlausiblyDamp said:
VS does bold the start / end brackets as you type them - so you can see the matching that way. Also if you place the cursor before a bracket (opening or closing) id highlights it and the matching bracket.

Is that C# only?

I remember that one useful thing from my Java class. You could put your curser in between a set of brackets and it enboldened the pair. VERY handy for figuring out which set you're between.

I know doesn't have that featue - of course no brackets, but also not with their End If, End Case, End Class, etc statements. at a few points with large procedures with a few logic statements, I've found myself getting out a ruler to match up where the If was and which Elseif and End If matched up down the screen (often I had to scroll down).

Thats usually when you realize a procedure got out of hand and it's time to refactor it down into possibly a few smaller procedures or maybe make a class out of the whole deal and have the logic handled internally.