Close ("X") Button

Also, having mentioned before about the use of msgbox, are you actually going to convert the code into .NET, just noticing theres a huge amount of legacy VB code just within this event alone! :)
Don't work.

Isn't the else going to stop it if you click "yes" because that it what it is doing.

When it runs it, the main screen is disapearing but the program remains running.
I just changed it so that the "Exit Sub" is under the e.cancel, not under the else. It works now.

For the VB stuff, when i get a chance and feel like it i will change it over. Not that important at the moment. All the new stuff that I have been adding is mostly in .NET anyway (except for the message boxes, didn't know about the other way :o ). It is just all the old stuff that is different. ;)

Thanks for all the help :D