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I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. It could be any number of things, though I suspect the SQL statement isn't doing what it's supposed to.


I'm trying to populate a list box whose data are determined by a previous list box. The first one lists companies. Then, depending on which one they choose, the second one will display all the invoice dates for that company. That's what I'm trying to do here.


LBto is the first list box.


Correction. I just discovered that the for loop isn't executing at all for some reason. Man, I'm new at this. Don't laugh if the answer's poking me in the face.


Dim strSelected As String = LBTo.SelectedItem

       Dim objDateDataAdapter As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT DATE FROM Shipping WHERE SHIP_TO = " & ("'strSelected'"), OleDbConnection1)
       Dim objDateCommand As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(objDateDataAdapter)
       Dim objDateDataSet As New DataSet()

       objDateDataAdapter.FillSchema(objDateDataSet, SchemaType.Source, "Shipping")
       objDateDataAdapter.Fill(objDateDataSet, "Shipping")

       Dim i As Integer 
       Dim strCurrent As String

       For i = 1 To objDateDataSet.Tables("Shipping").Rows.Count
           strCurrent = objDateDataSet.Tables("Shipping").Rows(i - 1).Item("DATE")

Edited by Robby

The problem is still with the SQL. When I hardcoded it like this:


"SELECT DATE FROM Shipping WHERE SHIP_TO = " ("'Kevin'"), Connection)


It worked beautifully. When I did it the way you suggested, it was searching the database for "strSelection" which of course wasn't in there.


So I'm not sure how to use a string variable properly in an SQL statement. That's what I need help on now. Any ideas?



I thought it was working, because it wasn't getting caught up on the SQL anymore. It was acting like it understood, past the dataadapter.fill that it gets hung up on if the SQL is bad.


That led me to believe that the loop was a problem, when I hadn't nailed the SQL yet.


I see you did give me the exact same answer, so you're my hero too. I'm very new at this, and didn't think to toy around with the quotes. I will next time, though.




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