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Just about everytime i create a new class i use the same 3 regions, Declarations, Properties, and Methods. I tried creating a macro to do this for me by letting it record my keystrokes. It worked ok but sometimes it screwed up and put stuff where it wasn't supposed to be. I know you can write macros using code... So how would i make a marco to do these regions for me using code?



i'm not lazy i'm just resting before i get tired.
  • *Experts*

You could modify the file at:


C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Vb7\VBWizards\Class\Templates\1033\Class.vb


which is the template for the New Class item, and change that. You can also add your own item templates, but it is a bit more work. There's probably some info in the MSDN about that.

  • *Experts*

You can also modify the template forms. There might be a way to add new templates, but I haven't looked.


Using C# as an example, I changed the following file:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\VC#\VC#Wizards\CSharpAddWinFormWiz\Templates\1033\NewWinForm.cs


Whenever I add a new form it uses this as the file. It does some fancy replacing so don't modify it too much. I removed most of the built in comments and added some regions, much like you're asking for. Plus a few more using statement (Imports in VB) that I use all the time.



"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center." - Kurt Vonnegut
  • *Experts*

Forgot to mention, MAKE A COPY OF THAT FILE. You don't want to mess it up :)



"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center." - Kurt Vonnegut
WOW that is cool i just did it... so will this work if i say add a button to a form and copy the code? i'd like to hear some more details of how you guys used this to your advantage
i'm not lazy i'm just resting before i get tired.
  • *Experts*
For something like that you should look into using Form Inheritance. It's sort of limited, but can be useful for making things like dialog boxes and such.
yea i know about inheritance but then i can't edit the controls the way i want... if i had just one exit button on a form at load that i could play with (size and etc..) then i'd be happy
i'm not lazy i'm just resting before i get tired.
  • *Experts*
That sounds like it would be quite feasible. In fact, I may look into this myself and write an article about it. I haven't written anything for Tutors Corner in awhile.

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