thankins Posted October 15, 2003 Posted October 15, 2003 I need help. Here is my problem I need an if statement that would stop the user from entering more data into the textboxes after they enter the data 4 times. I dont know how to do it as of now. Here is my code. Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click End End Sub Private Sub btnReset_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnReset.Click txtState.Text = " " txtFederal.Text = " " txtFica.Text = " " txtHours.Text = " " txtRate.Text = " " txtName.Text = " " lstOutput.Items.Clear() txtName.Focus() End Sub Private Sub txtHours_Validating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles txtHours.Validating 'Vaildates that a number has been entered into the text box If Not IsNumeric(txtHours.Text) Then MessageBox.Show("Hours worked must be a number.", "Invaild Input", MessageBoxButtons.OK, _ MessageBoxIcon.Error) 'Select the existing text in the text box. txtHours.SelectionStart = 0 txtHours.SelectionLength = txtHours.Text.Length 'Set the e.Cacel to true so the focus will stay in the control e.Cancel = True Else e.Cancel = False End If End Sub Private Sub txtRate_Validating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles txtRate.Validating 'Vaildates that a number has been entered into the text box If Not IsNumeric(txtRate.Text) Then MessageBox.Show("Pay Rate must be a number.", "Invaild Input", MessageBoxButtons.OK, _ MessageBoxIcon.Error) 'Select the existing text in the text box. txtRate.SelectionStart = 0 txtRate.SelectionLength = txtRate.Text.Length 'Set the e.Cacel to true so the focus will stay in the control e.Cancel = True Else e.Cancel = False End If End Sub Private Sub txtState_Validating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles txtState.Validating 'Vaildates that a number has been entered into the text box If Not IsNumeric(txtState.Text) Then MessageBox.Show("State taxes must be a number.", "Invaild Input", MessageBoxButtons.OK, _ MessageBoxIcon.Error) 'Select the existing text in the text box. txtState.SelectionStart = 0 txtState.SelectionLength = txtState.Text.Length 'Set the e.Cacel to true so the focus will stay in the control e.Cancel = True Else e.Cancel = False End If End Sub Private Sub txtFederal_Validating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles txtFederal.Validating 'Vaildates that a number has been entered into the text box If Not IsNumeric(txtFederal.Text) Then MessageBox.Show("Federal taxes must be a number.", "Invaild Input", MessageBoxButtons.OK, _ MessageBoxIcon.Error) 'Select the existing text in the text box. txtFederal.SelectionStart = 0 txtFederal.SelectionLength = txtFederal.Text.Length 'Set the e.Cacel to true so the focus will stay in the control e.Cancel = True Else e.Cancel = False End If End Sub Private Sub txtFica_Validating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles txtFica.Validating 'Vaildates that a number has been entered into the text box If Not IsNumeric(txtFica.Text) Then MessageBox.Show("F.I.C.A. withholdings must be a number.", "Invaild Input", MessageBoxButtons.OK, _ MessageBoxIcon.Error) 'Select the existing text in the text box. txtFica.SelectionStart = 0 txtFica.SelectionLength = txtFica.Text.Length 'Set the e.Cacel to true so the focus will stay in the control e.Cancel = True Else e.Cancel = False End If End Sub Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click 'Declares local variables for btnCalculate_Click Method Dim empName As String Dim hrRate, hrsWorked As Single Dim stateTax, fedTax As Single Dim totalPay, grossPay, ficaTax As Single 'Gets data,compute payroll,display results Call InputData(empName, hrRate, hrsWorked, fedTax, ficaTax, stateTax) grossPay = Gross_Pay(hrRate, hrsWorked) fedTax = Fed_Tax(grossPay, fedTax) ficaTax = Fica_Tax(grossPay, ficaTax) stateTax = State_Tax(grossPay, stateTax) totalPay = CSng(Total_Pay(grossPay, ficaTax, fedTax, stateTax)) Call ShowPayroll(empName, grossPay, totalPay, ficaTax, fedTax, stateTax) End Sub Sub InputData(ByRef empName As String, ByRef hrRate As Single, ByRef hrsWorked As Single, ByRef fedTax As Single, ByRef ficaTax As Single, ByRef stateTax As Single) ' Get payroll data for employee empName = txtName.Text hrRate = CInt(txtRate.Text) hrsWorked = CInt(txtHours.Text) fedTax = CSng(txtFederal.Text) ficaTax = CSng(txtFica.Text) stateTax = CSng(txtState.Text) End Sub Sub ShowPayroll(ByRef empName As String, ByRef pay As Single, ByRef totalPay As Single, ByRef ficaTax As Single, ByRef fedTax As Single, ByVal stateTax As Single) ' Payroll output for listbox lstOutput.Items.Add("Payroll results for " + (empName)) lstOutput.Items.Add(" Gross pay this period:" + FormatCurrency(pay)) lstOutput.Items.Add(" F.I.C.A. tax withheld:" + FormatCurrency(ficaTax)) lstOutput.Items.Add(" Federal Income tax withheld:" + FormatCurrency(fedTax)) lstOutput.Items.Add(" State Income tax withheld:" + FormatCurrency(stateTax)) lstOutput.Items.Add(" Net pay:" + FormatCurrency(totalPay)) End Sub Function Gross_Pay(ByRef hrWage As Single, ByRef hrsWorked As Single) As Single ' Compute weekly pay before taxes If hrsWorked <= 40 Then Gross_Pay = hrsWorked * hrWage Else Gross_Pay = CSng(40 * hrWage + (hrsWorked - 40) * 1.5 * hrWage) End If End Function Function Total_Pay(ByRef grossPay As Single, ByRef ficaTax As Single, ByRef fedTax As Single, ByRef stateTax As Single) As String ' Compute amount of net pay Total_Pay = CStr(grossPay - ficaTax - fedTax - stateTax) End Function Function Fed_Tax(ByRef grossPay As Single, ByRef fedTax As Single) As Single 'Compute amount to be taken for Federal Tax Fed_Tax = grossPay * fedTax End Function Function Fica_Tax(ByRef grossPay As Single, ByRef ficaTax As Single) As Single ''Compute amount to be taken for FICA Tax Fica_Tax = grossPay * ficaTax End Function Function State_Tax(ByRef grossPay As Single, ByRef stateTax As Single) As Single 'Compute amount to be taken for State Tax State_Tax = grossPay * stateTax End Function Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load End Sub End Class Thank you for your help! Quote
*Experts* Volte Posted October 15, 2003 *Experts* Posted October 15, 2003 What do you mean "after they enter data 4 times"? Could you give an example? Quote
thankins Posted October 15, 2003 Author Posted October 15, 2003 yea Sorry i didnt explain it better This is a payroll program that will caluclate Gross Pay, and taxes (Fica Federal and state) the user will enter a name and enter the total hours worked, payrate, and the percent of taxes for each tax. and then it will display the gross pay and etc in a listbox. I need to limit it so that the user can only enter 4 employess into the textboxes. I thought and if statement like this would work Dim count as short Do count while < 4 count+=1 if count = 4 'disable all the boxes and fire message;"You have reached the maximum for employees allowed to be entered", "Maximum Reached") I just didnt know where to put it Quote
*Experts* Volte Posted October 15, 2003 *Experts* Posted October 15, 2003 Well, where-ever you are "committing" the data (like, a Save button or something), increment a form-wide counter. Something like this: 'Form-wide: Dim count As Integer 'In the Save button or whatever If count < 4 Then 'process the employee count += 1 Else MessageBox.Show("You may only enter 4 employees") End If Quote
coco_3010 Posted November 10, 2003 Posted November 10, 2003 well, yes but you should put a better ending to ur program , instead of using End, this can cause memory leaks!!!!! try to use Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click Me.close () End Sub Quote
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