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I need to reproduce what I can do in photoshop with two image layers and a mask.

So, I have 2 images and a mask image, grayscale...

How can I blend the 2 images using the mask so they will be merged more or less where there are grey portion on the mask, the white mean full trsnsparent and the black full opaque


Thanks, Crirus


PS> In VB, without Marshaling and LockBits


if u just want 1bit transparency u can use the MakeTransparent.


BUT if u want something like a gradient of transparencies, u can go setting the color of a new image based on the 2 sources



DestBMP.SetPixel(x,y, Color.FromARGB(AlphaMaskBMP.GetPixel(x.y).A, ImageBMP.GetPixel(x,y).R, ImageBMP.GetPixel(x,y).G, ImageBMP.GetPixel(x,y).B);

  aewarnick said:
You don't need that mask stuff in .net.

Use the MakeTransparent(Color c) method of the Bitmap.



I know that for a single color, but I have multiple levels of transparency


OK, forget about semi-transparent...I will use full transparent only

The other problem is how to draw only on white area of the mask, from one image to the other... the black area of the mask should remain transparent...

I need some NET methods, not per pixel ideea..Can I set the region of the image to whotle non-transparent zone?


why dont u use only one image with a transparent key color (Color.Lime, for instance) and then use the MakeTransparent() method?


if you NEED a mask, then u NEED to composite... and that's problematic...


is not a sprite-like image....I have 2 80 x 80 images.

I need to make one image from them with black zones of the mask to be from first one and white zones to be from second one


Well, I may came up with a solution:

Make white transparent and draw over the first image

Make black transparent on that image and draw it over the second image..this should give me a combination of 2 images

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