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In C#

i) Is there anyway to input value on particular cell in datagrid in the coding?

ii) How do I save the contents of the datagrid back to database?

iii) I've made a custom datagrid myself, with button on column. However, what I really want is actually a textbox with button in one column. Is there any example regarding that?


Pls advise.

Thanks in advance.


Be you his eunuch, and your mute I'll be:

When my tongue blabs, then let mine eyes not see.


I think you're missing the datagrid point here...


The datagrid is intended to be connected to a datasource...

So, (1) if you want to write something on a certain cell, by code as you told, you just have to go to that datasource and input the data you want.


(2) Following the logic of what I just told you on (1), the data have to be already on some datasource, it doesn't have to be a database, it can be a collection... So you have to implement the correspondent methods to save your data (If your using DataSets use the DataAdapter for example)


(3) Here I can't help you... :) sorry

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1) I can think of many reason for this, a calculation or a condition is met so you update the grid through code,,,,


2) You can use the DataAdapter's Update command for this. (commandBuilder)


3) I only know for web controls, sorry.

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