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I have a timer control on my form and I whant 2 actions each 2 seconds


for example :


start form > picturebox1.picture = "image1"


after 2 sec. :picturebox1.picture = "image2"


after 2 sec. picturebox1.picture = "image1"


after 2 sec. picturebox1.picture = "image2"




I have a slution ..but is a little complicated.Must be a simple way to do that.




In your timer event code do something like:


If picture1.picture = "image1" then

  picture1.picture = "image2"


  picture1.picture = "image1"

end if

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  • *Experts*
No need for the picture1.picture = "image1" after the Else statement :)

There is because if the image was not "image1" then it wouldnt change anymore. The Else checks if there is anything else in there, in this case "image2" so it can set "image1" again as needed.


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