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Hello all,


I am working on a database and I have a combo box being filled with data from one of the tables in my AccessDB. And I am wanting to select from the combo box and fill a listbox with what matches the data in the database, ex. Select artist in combo box and have the albums for that artist fill the listbox. So i'm guessing that I don't have my select statement right. This is all I have


Qry.CommandText = "SELECT AlbumName FROM Albums"


I do understand that this statement will fill all albums into the listbox, I am just trying to get the data per artist to fill the listbox.


All help appreciated.





Thanks for the reply I finally got it figured out. Here is the statment I used to make it work


"SELECT Albums.AlbumName FROM Artist_List INNER JOIN (Albums INNER JOIN Artist_Album_Link ON Albums.AlbumID = Artist_Album_Link.AlbumID) ON Artist_List.ArtistID = Artist_Album_Link.ArtistID WHERE Artist_List.ArtistName = '" & cmbArtist.Text & "'"


However I have decided I'm going perform the function with a Dataset instead.


Again thanks



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