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Screen Resolutions


I am using the Java Script method window.showmodaldialog to display an ascx. I set the dialogWidth to 700px and dialogHeight to 500px, but it looks a bit naff on higher screen resolutions.


Does anybody know if I can use percentages for the width and height or if I can some how interrogate the users screen resolution and set the height and width accordingly.





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Yeah, you can use JS to get the users' res then offset your width accordingly.


you can use screen.width + screen.height

also, window.screen.availWidth + window.screen.availHeight

Visit...Bassic Software

Thanks but I couldn't get it to work. This is the code I am using to load my modal browser:


' Inject Dialog Open Window Java Script

Dim script As String

script = "<script language=" & Chr(34) & "javascript" & Chr(34) & ">"

script = script & "window.showModalDialog

'ModalIframe.aspx',null,'status:no;dialogWidth:" & "screen.width"

& ";dialogHeight:" & ls_DialogHeight

& ";dialogHide:true;help:no;scroll:yes');"

script = script & "</script>"


Page.RegisterStartupScript("DisplayModalDialog", script)


It doesn't seem to pick up on the width unless I explicitly set it. Any ideas?

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