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Posted (edited)

Hello All,


Is it possible to take an image, from a picture box in vb.net and store the image in an access field? I'd also like the ability to view the image, frrom a form/report within access.


I found an example that uses SQL in the "101 visual basic .net applications" book, but i'm not sure if it's possible with access.


I've already made the connection to the table. The table contains an OLE field, is this the proper field type to use?


i've tried the following...


ds_Repair.Tables("qryMarkup").Rows(int_ThisRec).Item(2) = pb_View.Image

adap_Repair.Update(ds_Repair, "qryMarkup")


ds_Repair is the dataset

qryMarkup is the query inside access

.Row(int_ThisRec) is the current row

.item(2) is one of two OLE fields in the access table

pb_View is the picture box

adap_Repair is the adapter


i get the following error...


An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in system.data.dll


Additional information: Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows.




Any help would be appreciated.



Edited by scot63
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)



thanks for the tip. I can now successfully update a text field in an existing record of an access database. However, i still need the ability to (a) update a field with an image from a picture box and (b) store it in a format that lets me view it in access too, via a form.


I have a book "VB.net for MS Access Databases" and it appears that the stream class is used to read/write to OLE fields in access. But this book does not give any examples.


I have another book "101 vb.net applications" that does contain an example of saving an image, but it's to an SQL db, not an access db.


does anyone know how to do this or point me in the proper direction?





Edited by scot63



here's an Example how to Save An Image into Access Data Base


it's the same example that found in 101 but with little deff


like VarBinary for Saving Image to Access Data base


Private Sub SavingImage()
       Dim ms As New MemoryStream
       picBox.Image.Save(ms, picBox.Image.RawFormat)
       Dim image() As Byte = ms.GetBuffer

' lblFilePath with hold the pic name for example hi.gif
           Dim Fn() As String = _
           Split(lblFilePath.Text, "\")

           Dim oleS As String = _
   ("INSERT INTO pictures(Picture)" & _
           Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(oleS, CnnMain)
           With cmd
               .Parameters.Add(New OleDbParameter("@Picture", _
           OleDbType.VarBinary)).Value = image
           End With

       Catch ex As Exception
           Exit Sub
       End Try
   End Sub



To Read an Image from Access Data base


here's an exmaple



'Keep this var at the top of form   Global VAR

Public RP As Integer 'ReadingPicture Variable 

Protected Sub ReadImages()

           RP = CType(Me.BindingContext(DsMain1, "Main").Position, Integer)
           Dim arrPicture() As Byte = _
            CType(DsMain1.Tables("pictures").Rows(RP)("Picture"), _
           Dim ms As New MemoryStream(arrPicture)
           picBox.Image = Image.FromStream(ms)
           lblFilePath.Text = _
       Catch ex As Exception
       End Try
   End Sub


now for reading image for Each employee for example


just call the method ReadImages()


I hope it help



Gary Says: To be a good programmer, you must be good at debugging



thanks! your code did the trick. I'm able to fill the ole (image) field in my access database with "long binary data". But when i use a form, in access to view the field, i dont see the image.


Is it possible to see the image from within Access - or is it just storing the data for retreival from my vb.net app.


My goal is to also see the image from within access. Is there some parameter that i have to set in the form or field to get the image to appear in access?


thanks for your help.






it's so easy to View the Image just Supply a name of the image


I made 2 Exmple for you 1 is for Embedded Images to Access Data


and 2 for Linked the image to DataBase


if any question I'd be so ready for :D


Gary Says: To be a good programmer, you must be good at debugging



Currently, the field, in the MS Access table contains the phrase "long binary data".


I need to view, the saved image, in Microsoft Access. Is this possible? If possible, i'd like to see the image, on a form in access.


I have a current workaround. Instead of saving the image to the table, i save the path and filename to the table. In access, during an update event I display the image based on the path and filename. It works, but it's not the ideal method.




any help would be appreciated.



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