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i paint a picture with the drawImage methode but my LinkLabel's background is the form color even if i put it transparent. i tryed evrything and i can'T make the background transparent. I read that i could inherit the control to be able to use the setstyle methode but i have no idea how to do it ! how do i inherit a control ?
its not working. i guess i can'T paint over a controls so the back color of the control become transparent but shows the form backcolor instead of the bitmap

Put this code in a test button, make a picturebox1


Dim PSNormal As New Pen(Color.Red, 1)

Dim g As Graphics = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics


g.DrawLine(PSNormal, 5, 50, 100, 100)



It will draw a line across the picturebox. I already deleted the other samplecode, look in help under draw text - (instead of draw line) will do the same.

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