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I am trying to run this code in an XP environment:


Set objSession = CreateObject("MAPI.Session")


but get the message:

Run time error 429

ActiveX component can't create object


The code ran fine previously in an NT envrionment, but now it fails. I have pointed to the CDO12.dll library, but to no avail.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


The problem with the application not being able to instantiate the MAPI.SESSION is that I had to register the CDO.DLL module to XP. However, I encountered problems with the regsvr32 program, because the dll referenced the following two modules that were not in the system library:





I identified these references using the DependencyWalker utility. Once I downloaded the missing modulesinto my windows folder, the registration program ran sucessfully, and my application is now able to create the MAPI.SESSION object.

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