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I'm porting an application from FoxPro 2.5, to .net 2003. At many points in the application, I'm translating string to variable. For example:


esString1 = "BlowFish"

esString2 = "esString1"


print "string 1: " + esstring1

print "string 2: " + esstring2

print "REFERENCE string2:" + &esstring2

esString1 = "Changed"

print "REFERENCE again string2:" + &esstring2


--------- Program Output ---------------


string1: BlowFish

string2: esString1

REFERENCE string2: BlowFish

REFERENCE again string2: Changed




Putting "&" in front of any string will cause the program to access the value of that string instead.


Does anybody know how this works in Visual Basic .net? If I'm not being clear, please ask to clairify - thanks.

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  • *Experts*

Im not really sure what you are trying to do, both things will print the same thing anyway. You are accessing the value of string, it is the text that is in it.

Sorry If im completely misunderstanding you :)

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