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In VB 6 you have the standard forms collection. In VB.NET this collection doesn't exists anymore. So I�m trying to build my own forms collection. I created a base class where all my other forms are based on. In this base class I add the form to a collection when it loads.

This works fine. I have some code in the collection class to add items to the collection and a property Item. This code is similar as in VB6 when you use the class builder (does the class builder exists in VB.NET) But the return type of the property item can not be set to the client class (= the classes the collection class contains). When I set the return type of my class equal to the client class a syntax error appears = "option strict on disallows implicit conversions from System.Object to the client class"


Do any of you have an idea on how to solve this issue?

If more information is required, just ask...


Thanks in advance


If you want an old Form Collection:

Class FormCollection
     Public Shared Forms As Collection = New Collection()
End Class

In every forms Sub New put:


Then put the remove code in the Closing Event

.Net allows software to be written for any version of Windows and not break like Unmanaged applications unless using Unmanaged procedures like APIs. If your program uses large amounts of memory but releases it when something else needs it, then what's the problem?

Not a regular collection


Ok this is indeed a possible way.


But I had a more advance collection in mind.

In VB6 it is possible to have the collection return a class.


For example

I have 2 classes "Customers" and "Customer"

The class "Customers" contains a collection of "Customer"


'The class "Customers"


Private mCol As Collection


Public Function Add(ByVal iID As Integer) As Customer

'create a new object

Dim oNewMember As Customer


'Check if ID doesn't alread exists if so exit


Set oNewMember = New Customer


oNewMember.ID= iID



'Add to collection

mCol.Add oNewMember


'return the object created

Set Add = oNewMember

Set oNewMember = Nothing


End Function


Public Property Get Item(vntIndexKey As Variant) As Customer


Set Item = mCol(vntIndexKey)


End Property


Public Property Get Count() As Long


Count = mCol.Count


End Property


Public Sub Remove(vntIndexKey As Variant)

Dim intItemCount As Integer


For intItemCount = vntIndexKey + 1 To mCol.Count

mCol(intItemCount).Index = mCol(intItemCount).Index - 1


mCol.Remove vntIndexKey


End Sub


Private Property Get NewEnum() As IUnknown


Set NewEnum = mCol.[_NewEnum]


End Property


Private Sub Class_Initialize()


Set mCol = New Collection


End Sub


Private Sub Class_Terminate()


Set mCol = Nothing


End Sub


This would be the code in de class "Customer"


Private mvarID as Integer


Public property Let ID (ByVal ID as Integer)

mvarID = ID

end property


Public property Get ID () as Integer

ID = mvarID

end property


Other properties and functions can be added.

When you use the class "Customers" now you can do like this

Customers.Item(1).[Receive all the properties and subs of the class "Customer" Because the return value of the default Item is the class "Customer"


I have search to do the same in .NET but couldn't find it.

I already implemented the System.Collections.IEnumerable

But when I set the return type of my default value Item of the collection to "Customer" he gives the msg error. (the one in my first post)


Hope you better understand my problem now.


Thanks in advance

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