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I am adding a module that was made for VB6 and get errors. It is for GPIB and sets up functions using a dll. I pasted the beginning of the code, but the rest is the same alll through, but too long to paste whole thing. The error says "statement is not valid in a namspace". I kno wit is probably something simple but still new to .NET


Attribute VB_Name = "VBIB32"


' 32-bit Visual Basic Language Interface

' Version 1.7

' Copyright 1998 National Instruments Corporation.

' All Rights Reserved.



' This module contains the subroutine declarations,

' function declarations and constants required to use

' the National Instruments GPIB Dynamic Link Library

' (DLL) for controlling IEEE-488 instrumentation. This

' file must be 'added' to your Visual Basic project

' (by choosing Add File from the File menu or pressing

' CTRL+F12) so that you can access the NI-488.2

' subroutines and functions.





' NI-488.2 DLL entry function declarations

option Explicit


Declare Function ibask32 Lib "Gpib-32.dll" Alias "ibask" (ByVal ud As Long, ByVal opt As Long, ByVal value As Long) As Long

Declare Function ibbna32 Lib "Gpib-32.dll" Alias "ibbnaA" (ByVal ud As Long, sstr As Any) As Long

Declare Function ibcac32 Lib "Gpib-32.dll" Alias "ibcac" (ByVal ud As Long, ByVal v As Long) As Long

Declare Function ibclr32 Lib "Gpib-32.dll" Alias "ibclr" (ByVal ud As Long) As Long

Declare Function ibcmd32 Lib "Gpib-32.dll" Alias "ibcmd" (ByVal ud As Long, sstr As Any, ByVal cnt As Long) As Lon

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  • *Experts*

Using modules in an OOP language like VB.NET is not very good :)

You have to indicate that you are using a module, which you didnt need in vb6:

Module ModuleName
End Module

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