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I have a table (tblArticleGroup) with a automatic increasing primary key (ArticleGroupID). I'm using a datatable to insert a new row in the table. Then I want to know the generated ArticleGroupID, but I haven't found a solution.


I'm using SQL Server 7.0


I checked on google and found a good example in C##. I translated it to vb.net (see below), but it doesn't work, because ArticleGroupID = 0 all the time. Can anyone see what's wrong with the code:



Dim conn As New SqlConnection(myConnectionString)

Dim da As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("Select * from tblArticleGroup", conn)


da.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey

Dim builder As New SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder(da)

Dim Command As SqlCommand

Command = builder.GetInsertCommand()

Command.CommandText += " ; select @@IDENTITY as ArticleGroupID"

Dim dt As New DataTable()

da.FillSchema(dt, SchemaType.Source)





Dim row As DataRow

row = dt.NewRow()

row("ChargeCodeSearchStr") = ""

row("Name") = "Testgroup"

row("IsTemporary") = True





MsgBox(row("ArticleGroupID")) 'This returns "0" all the time!!!


// Hugo

This is what I use to do:


strSQL = "INSERT INTO Table(field1,field2) VALUES(@field1,@field2); SET @ID_Field = (SELECT @@Identity);"

Dim cmd as New SQLCommand(strSQL,connection)
cmd.Parameter.Add("@ID_Field").Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

Dim dr as SQLDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
ID = dr.Items("@ID_Field") 


I don't have .NET in hands now, so you may find some syntax error.


Thank you!


Thank you! It worked after some justifications (se below)


Dim strSQL As String
Dim connection As New SqlConnection(connectionString)
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblArticleGroup(Name, IsTemporary, ChargeCodeSearchStr) VALUES(@Name, @IsTemporary, @ChargeCodeSearchStr); Select @@Identity as 'ArticleGroupID' ;"

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(strSQL, connection)
cmd.Parameters.Add("@Name", "Test2Group")
cmd.Parameters.Add("@IsTemporary", "0")
cmd.Parameters.Add("@ChargeCodeSearchStr", "")
Dim param As New SqlParameter()
param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
param.ParameterName = "@ArticleGroupID"
param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int

Dim dr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()

// Hugo

How to solve it by using a Datatable?


Well. That's a way to retrieve the identity primary key, but the problem is: I have to use a datatable (and probably a dataadapter).


Is there any way to solve the problem by using a Datatable?





If you want to know why I want to use a datatable:


I have one Table-class with one UpdateDataTable-method and one UpdateDatabase-method. Then I have one class for each table in my database that Inherits this Table-class. The UpdateDatabase-method looks like this:

Public Sub updateDatabase()
  SqlDataAdapter = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(strSql_DbUpdate, connectionString)
  SqlDataAdapter.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey

  sqlCommBuild = New SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder(SqlDataAdapter)

End Sub

The only thing that differs between the tables is the protected String variable "strSql_DbUpdate". This method can be used ALWAYS, FOR ALL TABLES: When rows is deleted, changed or inserted. The only time it doesn't work is when an identity primary key must be returned, as mentioned...

// Hugo
  • 2 weeks later...

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