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Could someone please tell me how to setup a ping program in vb.net? I dont want to use the shell command, but to write the icmp protocols manually - well actually as these as far beyond my abilities, i was rather hoping that someone had already done so and wouldnt mind sharing there code.


Many Thanks.

  • 1 month later...

I downloaded the sample from the first link.

But, I couldn't find System.Net.dll file so the application doesn't work.

Do you have any idea about this issue?

thank you.

Sun Certified Web component Developer,

Microsoft Certified Solution Developer .NET,

Software Engineer


System.Net name sapce is contained in System.dll file so I don't need to reference it again since System.dll is reference defaultly.

check out the source above and reply again..

Sun Certified Web component Developer,

Microsoft Certified Solution Developer .NET,

Software Engineer


this is the problemetic source..

confusing all.. it starts with using System.Net;

and it's compile command is


@Echo off

csc /t:exe /out:../Ping.exe /R:System.DLL;System.Net.Dll Ping.cs


Which means he should provide System.Net.DLL since it's not the default dll file.

I don't think he used like this to us up...



using System;

using System.Net;

using System.Net.Sockets;

/// <summary>

/// The Main Ping Class

/// </summary>

class Ping


//Declare some Constant Variables

const int SOCKET_ERROR = -1;

const int ICMP_ECHO = 8;

/// <summary>

/// The Starting Point of the Class

/// It Takes the Hostname parameter

/// </summary>

public static void Main(string[] argv)





//If user did not enter any Parameter inform him

Console.WriteLine("Usage:Ping <hostname> /r") ;

Console.WriteLine("<hostname> The name of the Host who you want to ping");

Console.WriteLine("/r Optional Switch to Ping the host continuously") ;


else if(argv.Length==1)


//Just the hostname provided by the user

//call the method "PingHost" and pass the HostName as a parameter

PingHost(argv[0]) ;


else if(argv.Length==2)


//the user provided the hostname and the switch



//loop the ping program



//call the method "PingHost" and pass the HostName as a parameter

PingHost(argv[0]) ;





//if the user provided some other switch

PingHost(argv[0]) ;






//Some error occured

Console.WriteLine("Error in Arguments") ;




/// <summary>

/// This method takes the "hostname" of the server

/// and then it ping's it and shows the response time

/// </summary>

public static void PingHost(string host)


//Declare the IPHostEntry

IPHostEntry serverHE, fromHE;

int nBytes = 0;

int dwStart = 0, dwStop = 0;

//Initilize a Socket of the Type ICMP

Socket socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.AfINet, SocketType.SockRaw, ProtocolType.ProtICMP);


// Get the server endpoint



serverHE = DNS.GetHostByName(host);




Console.WriteLine("Host not found"); // fail

return ;



// Convert the server IP_EndPoint to an EndPoint

IPEndPoint ipepServer = new IPEndPoint(serverHE.AddressList[0], 0);

EndPoint epServer = (ipepServer);


// Set the receiving endpoint to the client machine

fromHE = DNS.GetHostByName(DNS.GetHostName());

IPEndPoint ipEndPointFrom = new IPEndPoint(fromHE.AddressList[0], 0);

EndPoint EndPointFrom = (ipEndPointFrom);


int PacketSize = 0;

IcmpPacket packet = new IcmpPacket();

// Construct the packet to send

packet.Type = ICMP_ECHO; //8

packet.SubCode = 0;

packet.CheckSum = UInt16.Parse("0");

packet.Identifier = UInt16.Parse("45");

packet.SequenceNumber = UInt16.Parse("0");

int PingData = 32; // sizeof(IcmpPacket) - 8;

packet.Data = new Byte[PingData];

//Initilize the Packet.Data

for (int i = 0; i < PingData; i++)


packet.Data = (byte)'#';



//Variable to hold the total Packet size

PacketSize = PingData + 8;

Byte [] icmp_pkt_buffer = new Byte[ PacketSize ];

Int32 Index = 0;

//Call a Methos Serialize which counts

//The total number of Bytes in the Packet

Index = Serialize(




PingData );

//Error in Packet Size

if( Index == -1 )


Console.WriteLine("Error in Making Packet");

return ;



// now get this critter into a UInt16 array


//Get the Half size of the Packet

Double double_length = Convert.ToDouble(Index);

Double dtemp = Math.Ceil( double_length / 2);

int cksum_buffer_length = Convert.ToInt32(dtemp);

//Create a Byte Array

UInt16 [] cksum_buffer = new UInt16[cksum_buffer_length];

//Code to initilize the Uint16 array

int icmp_header_buffer_index = 0;

for( int i = 0; i < cksum_buffer_length; i++ ) {

cksum_buffer =


icmp_header_buffer_index += 2;


//Call a method which will return a checksum

UInt16 u_cksum = checksum(cksum_buffer, cksum_buffer_length);

//Save the checksum to the Packet

packet.CheckSum = u_cksum;


// Now that we have the checksum, serialize the packet again

Byte [] sendbuf = new Byte[ PacketSize ];

//again check the packet size

Index = Serialize(




PingData );

//if there is a error report it

if( Index == -1 )


Console.WriteLine("Error in Making Packet");

return ;




dwStart = System.Environment.TickCount; // Start timing

//send the Pack over the socket

if ((nBytes = socket.SendTo(sendbuf, PacketSize, 0, epServer)) == SOCKET_ERROR)


Console.WriteLine("Socket Error cannot Send Packet");


// Initialize the buffers. The receive buffer is the size of the

// ICMP header plus the IP header (20 bytes)

Byte [] ReceiveBuffer = new Byte[256];

nBytes = 0;

//Receive the bytes

bool recd =false ;

int timeout=0 ;


//loop for checking the time of the server responding



nBytes = socket.ReceiveFrom(ReceiveBuffer, 256, 0, ref EndPointFrom);

if (nBytes == SOCKET_ERROR)


Console.WriteLine("Host not Responding") ;

recd=true ;



else if(nBytes>0)


dwStop = System.Environment.TickCount - dwStart; // stop timing

Console.WriteLine("Reply from "+epServer.ToString()+" in "+dwStop+"MS :Bytes Received"+nBytes);




timeout=System.Environment.TickCount - dwStart;



Console.WriteLine("Time Out") ;






//close the socket



/// <summary>

/// This method get the Packet and calculates the total size

/// of the Pack by converting it to byte array

/// </summary>

public static Int32 Serialize( IcmpPacket packet, Byte [] Buffer, Int32 PacketSize, Int32 PingData )


Int32 cbReturn = 0;

// serialize the struct into the array

int Index=0;


Byte [] b_type = new Byte[1];

b_type[0] = (packet.Type);


Byte [] b_code = new Byte[1];

b_code[0] = (packet.SubCode);


Byte [] b_cksum = BitConverter.GetBytes(packet.CheckSum);

Byte [] b_id = BitConverter.GetBytes(packet.Identifier);

Byte [] b_seq = BitConverter.GetBytes(packet.SequenceNumber);


// Console.WriteLine("Serialize type ");

Array.Copy( b_type, 0, Buffer, Index, b_type.Length );

Index += b_type.Length;


// Console.WriteLine("Serialize code ");

Array.Copy( b_code, 0, Buffer, Index, b_code.Length );

Index += b_code.Length;


// Console.WriteLine("Serialize cksum ");

Array.Copy( b_cksum, 0, Buffer, Index, b_cksum.Length );

Index += b_cksum.Length;


// Console.WriteLine("Serialize id ");

Array.Copy( b_id, 0, Buffer, Index, b_id.Length );

Index += b_id.Length;


Array.Copy( b_seq, 0, Buffer, Index, b_seq.Length );

Index += b_seq.Length;


// copy the data

Array.Copy( packet.Data, 0, Buffer, Index, PingData );

Index += PingData;

if( Index != PacketSize/* sizeof(IcmpPacket) */) {

cbReturn = -1;

return cbReturn;



cbReturn = Index;

return cbReturn;


/// <summary>

/// This Method has the algorithm to make a checksum

/// </summary>

public static UInt16 checksum( UInt16[] buffer, int size )


Int32 cksum = 0;

int counter;


counter = 0;


while ( size > 0 ) {


UInt16 val = buffer[counter];


cksum += Convert.ToInt32( buffer[counter] );

counter += 1;

size -= 1;



cksum = (cksum >> 16) + (cksum & 0xffff);

cksum += (cksum >> 16);

return (UInt16)(~cksum);


} // class ping

/// <summary>

/// Class that holds the Pack information

/// </summary>

public class IcmpPacket


public Byte Type; // type of message

public Byte SubCode; // type of sub code

public UInt16 CheckSum; // ones complement checksum of struct

public UInt16 Identifier; // identifier

public UInt16 SequenceNumber; // sequence number

public Byte [] Data;


} // class IcmpPacket

Sun Certified Web component Developer,

Microsoft Certified Solution Developer .NET,

Software Engineer

  • Administrators

As Derek pointed out above (more correctly than I did ;) ) the System.Net stuff is part of System.DLL you only need to reference System.dll. There is no need to reference System.Net.dll.


Just remove the ;System.Net.Dll bit from your command line call to the compiler.

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Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them.

-- Albert Einstein


That's not that simple..

Since, compiler gives me lots of errors..

Try it you can download easily and can test it in a minitue.

But, it will not work with many errors.


Does any one have right code doing ping?

Sun Certified Web component Developer,

Microsoft Certified Solution Developer .NET,

Software Engineer

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