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The structure PRINTER_NOTIFY_OPTIONS_TYPE has a pointer to a variable length array of 16 bit integer flags as it's last member. In VB-Classic I filled this by using the VarPtr keyword....how do I go about doing this in VB.Net?



    Dim wType As Int16
    Dim wReserved0 As Int16
    Dim dwReserved1 As Int32
    Dim dwReserved2 As Int32
    Dim Count As Int32 '\\Number of elements in the array
    Dim pFields As Int32 '\\Pointer to the array
End Type


which is populated....

Dim arTypes(0) As Int16 
arTypes(0) = Job_Notify_Indexes.JOB_NOTIFY_FIELD_STATUS

With pTypeJob
   .wType = Printer_Notification_Types.JOB_NOTIFY_TYPE
   .Count = 1
   '.pFields = ???? (was VarPtr(arTypes(0))
End With


Thanks in advance,


Printer Monitor for .NET? - see Merrion Computing Ltd for details
  • *Experts*

**untested**`VarPtr equivalent


It may be possible thus:-


  Dim wType As Int16
  Dim wReserved0 As Int16
  Dim dwReserved1 As Int32
  Dim dwReserved2 As Int32
  Dim Count As Int32
  <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)>Dim pFields() As Int16
End Structure


unfortunately I've a whole heap more converting of old VB6 code to go beforte I can test this out.


Thanks in advance,


Printer Monitor for .NET? - see Merrion Computing Ltd for details
  • 4 weeks later...
  • *Experts*
Posted (edited)

You could try this (sorry, it's C# but should show what you need)


GCHandle p = GCHandle.Alloc(arTypes, GCHandleType.Pinned);
.pFields = p.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt32();



Edited by divil
"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center." - Kurt Vonnegut
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