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Hello all! I could use some advice on how best to go about setting up a web site that would be database intensive. The site will be a clearing house for people who want to sell their wood working machinery. Sellers will want to up load discriptions and pictures of what they' re selling.


Buyers will want to have a streamlined method of searching what they're looking for by using the criterion of their choice. In general the site will be similar to this one: http://www.exfactory.com/.


As for my personal experience, I have taken just one course in VB6. It's not a lot, I know, but at least I got an A


Specifically, here is what I'd like to know...


Can this project be done using VB.net?


Is learning HTML necessary?


What about ASP.net? Is that the correct choice?


What books do you recommend?


I had intended to take the next level VB class this fall, but my local college is still using VB6 and wont be introducing VB.net till spring, so I'm putting it off till then.


Meanwhile if learning HTML is a sound option, I can enroll in that instead.


Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I know I'll get some sound advise from you guys.




Mick Dugan

  • *Experts*

"Can this project be done using VB.net? What about ASP.net? Is that the correct choice?"


ASP.NET is not actually programming language, per se, but it

instead can be programmed in any .NET language (C#, VB.NET,

J#, etc.), so don't get it confused as a completely different

language. And yes, this can easily be accomplished through it.


"Is learning HTML necessary?"


If you're using the standard ASP.NET server controls and creating

all the pages in the Web Forms editor, then no, you don't need

to know HTML. A basic understanding of it would be helpful,

though, in case you need to go "behind the scenes".


"What books do you recommend?"

Any "Teach Yourself ASP.NET In 21 Days" or in "24 Hours" or

something should be sufficient, assuming that you have an

understanding of the syntax of the language you're going to

program in.


Good luck.

"Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up

These are the best days of our lives"

-The Ataris, In This Diary


I have also recommend the ASP.NET Core Reference book from Microsoft Press. This book as an outstanding chapter on implementing security. Dino Esposito (the author) is pretty good a breaking it down into bite size chunks so I highly recommend it.


If you are looking for a book to transition you from VB6 to VB.NET then check out the book (Upgrading from VB to VB.NET) this is another Microsoft Press book. This book is what I used when I started learning .NET and I recommend it for anyone with a Visual Basic background who want's to jump into .NET development.

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