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To anyone interested in Managed Direct3D:


The project I spoke of earlier this summer (http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=71998) is completed. You can find it at: http://www.midget3d.com/


The 4 of us working on it decided the pain we went through could save a few others from enduring the same, so Midget3D is entirely GPL'd. Feel free to hack up the code, use it to learn Swap Chain basics, or put it on your own site.


Feel free to email me if you enjoy it, find undocumented bugs, or build on it and want your code published. Also, this is my first crack at Direct3D in many moons (can we say 1996?), so if you're a DX guru and think we REALLY messed something up, let me know so I can fix it.


Ryan and I are going to continue working on it, so expect fixes for documented bugs sometime in the near future. :)






Ha! A fully-featured app is probably a long way off, but thanks mutant. :)


Compile in VS 2002

As for the 2002/2003 issue, all you need to do is follow the directions on the main page to get rid of all the 2003-dependant project files. If someone knows a better way to "revert" vs2003 projects back to vs2002 format, please let me know. The other (and better) alternative is to use the free 'csc' .NET Framework 1.1 compiler. This is a bit cumbersome, though, since there is 3 separate assemblies/projects to compile.


Running only the binaries

ThePentiumGuy, if all you are interested in doing is running the program, it's a 3D modeling/animation package that can generate a series of bitmaps or create movies (AVIs) from your 3D models, keyframes, and dynamics. To run it without compiling, just download the source code and binaries and run the binaries from the /bin directory. Don't forget, MDX apps need the Managed DX DLL's as well, which are the last item in the downloads list.


Comments and such

Since this was a 4th year University project, we tried to keep the code as commented as possible. However, you'll no doubt notice we missed a few spots. :) That, and Conrad enters comments such as:

// I am listening to rap.

Ryan and I will clean these up as soon as we can find time.


Best of luck. If you have any difficulty, don't hesitate to ask.


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