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I don't know where I'm supposed to post this but this IS the directx 9 forums so...


When i use the mouse, I set it all up and the clicking works fine but every time I try to get the X/Y positions, it returns 0. Any help?

  • *Experts*

What code are you using? Can you post a small project?



"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center." - Kurt Vonnegut

Here's the clsDIMouse that I made:


Option Strict On
Option Explicit On 

Imports Microsoft.DirectX
Imports Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput

Public Class clsDIMouse

   Private frmTarget As Form
   Private devMouse As Device

   Private lMouseX As Long
   Private lMouseY As Long

   Public Sub New(ByVal frm As Form)

       frmTarget = frm

       devMouse = New Device(SystemGuid.Mouse)
       devMouse.SetCooperativeLevel(frm, CooperativeLevelFlags.Foreground Or CooperativeLevelFlags.Exclusive)


   End Sub

   Private Function State() As MouseState
           Return devMouse.CurrentMouseState
           Catch ex As InputException
               If TypeOf ex Is OtherApplicationHasPriorityException Or TypeOf ex Is NotAcquiredException Then 'check what type of input exception occured
                   Return Nothing
               End If
           End Try
       End Try
   End Function

   Public ReadOnly Property MouseX() As Long
           lMouseX = State.X
           Return lMouseX
       End Get
   End Property

   Public ReadOnly Property MouseY() As Long
           lMouseY += State.Y
           Return lMouseY
       End Get
   End Property

   Public ReadOnly Property LeftClick() As Boolean
           Dim temp As Byte() = State.GetMouseButtons()
           If temp(0) <> 0 Then
               Return True
               Return False
           End If
       End Get
   End Property

   Public ReadOnly Property RightClick() As Boolean
           Dim temp As Byte() = State.GetMouseButtons()
           If temp(1) <> 0 Then
               Return True
               Return False
           End If
       End Get
   End Property

   Public Function free() As Boolean
           devMouse = Nothing
           Return True
           Return False
       End Try
   End Function
End Class


And here's the funtion that sends an object to the mouse (I'm not very good at this kind of math so I copied this from somewhere... I don't know if its the write equation :S)


   Public Function GoToMouse(ByVal sprPosX As Double, ByVal sprPosY As Double, ByVal sprPosSpeed As Double, ByVal mouseX As Double, ByVal mouseY As Double, ByRef MoveX As Double, ByRef MoveY As Double) As Boolean
           Dim xDiff As Double = CDbl(mouseX - sprPosX)
           Dim ydiff As Double = CDbl(mouseY - sprPosY)
           Dim Length As Double = xDiff * xDiff + ydiff * ydiff

           Length = Sqrt(Length)
           MoveX = (sprPosX - mouseX) / Length * sprPosSpeed
           MoveY = (sprPosY - mouseY) / Length * sprPosSpeed

       End Try
   End Function


There is no Return in the GoToMouse Function so you should change it into a Sub since it's always False anyway.


When you say "Get X/Y" do you mean clsDIMouse.MouseX and clsDIMouse.MouseY or GoToMouse


GoToMouse returns MoveX and MoveY. I think that DirectInput only returns the distance moved (As in move the mouse up then State will be 100[Y] then reset to 0 when the mouse stops) so you may need to track it manually if it still works like this. The documentation is most unhelpful so I can't tell you though.

.Net allows software to be written for any version of Windows and not break like Unmanaged applications unless using Unmanaged procedures like APIs. If your program uses large amounts of memory but releases it when something else needs it, then what's the problem?

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