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I have a question. I'm not a professional programmer. I'm in between jobs for a copple of months, and in that time I have learned programming with VB.Net standard. I was bussy making a program, and I now almost finished it. The only thing I still want to add to my self made program is a graphic. My question is what is best to do? Can I buy an additional program with wich I can create graphics? And wich one is best?


Thank you Martijn


So you want to create custom graphics for your app and want to know what program to get? I hope I'm understanding the question right.


The absolute best program for creating graphics is Adobe Photoshop. It's the standard that all professional graphical artists use. However I doubt you'll want to dish out $200-$300 for it.



I'd suggest Gimp, which is free, and is a fairly good.



Gamer extraordinaire. Programmer wannabe.
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If this is a professional program and you're not a very good artist, you can check out http://www.photodisc.com. You have to buy them, but if you only want one and you plan on selling this program, it's worth it.


Otherwise try gimp - if you don't even know what program to use to do drawing, you're probably not ready for Adobe's Photoshop (very high learning curve for beginners). :)



"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center." - Kurt Vonnegut
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If the graphic you are talking about is an icon or a stamdard picture the size of an icon you could always pixel it out with MSPaint or an icon editor such as Microangelo or Axialis.
"These Patriot playoff wins are like Ray Charles songs, Nantucket sunsets, and hot fudge sundaes. Each one is better than the last." - Dan Shaughnessy

for 2d, still bitmaps try Flash MX - the lines you draw and everything will be "stable" for instance, if you shake the mouse slightly, it will fix that.. just save the BitMap - if there is an export Bitmap option, if there isnt do this: hit PrintScreen, and copy into Paint


for 3d(beginners) try Rhino - i foudn this program reaally useful

for 3d(avanced) - try Blender(Free) or anim8r(free) or 3d studio MAX 5($1000-2000) - this program has HEAVY memory usage so u need a fast PC, but hey! this is what they use at pixar animation studios;)

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or 3d studio MAX 5($1000-2000) - this program has HEAVY memory usage so u need a fast PC, but hey! this is what they use at pixar animation studios


actually pixar animations use Maya, not 3ds max, wich is more suited for games rather than for motion graphics, mainly because its rendering quality, oh and Pixars use a lot of own 3d tools like their rendering system wich is called, Renderman.

Plus maya is a lot more expensive than max, about 3,000 more.


But if you want to expend a lot of money in a 3d software pakage, then get "Houdini Master", wich costs the sum of 11,000 USA :( .

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Maya is also offered as a free trial version with the only restriction being that it will have a message included across all things which you create. Other than that it works the same as their high end software used by many movie companies. It is a good way for people to learn what Maya is capable of and how to use it.
"These Patriot playoff wins are like Ray Charles songs, Nantucket sunsets, and hot fudge sundaes. Each one is better than the last." - Dan Shaughnessy

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