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I have done all of the conversions necessaries from VB 6.0 to VB .NET. After the DTS in converted I try to run it and I keep getting an error. The error is as follow:


System.InvalidCastException has ocurred at XXXXXX.exe

Specifically in the code at:

oCustomTask1 = oTask.CustomTask

QueryInterface for interface DTS.CustomTask failed



I research and I found out the I need to install SQL Server client tools and have install SQL Service 2000 Service Pack 3


I do not not want could it be. Thanks for your help in advance

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I just tried it out and you need to make a few changes...


I have not run the following, but it should work.

oConnection = goPackage.Connections.New("DTSFlatFile")

'change this....
       oConnection.ConnectionProperties("Data Source") = "C:\test.txt"

'to this....
oConnection.ConnectionProperties.Item("Data Source").Value = "C:\test.txt"

Visit...Bassic Software

I already did those changes but I am still having the same problems that I had before:


System.InvalidCastException has ocurred at XXXXXX.exe

Specifically in the code at:

oCustomTask1 = oTask.CustomTask

QueryInterface for interface DTS.CustomTask failed


On one article that I read it said that I need it to get SQL Server service Pack 3 for the server and also Service Pack 3 for desktop.

After doing all that I am still having the same problem. I have been struggling with this for quite a while. I am going to post more code to see if it help:


Public Sub Task_Sub1(ByVal goPackage As DTS.Package2)

Dim DTS As Object


Dim oTask As DTS.Task

Dim oLookup As DTS.Lookup

Dim oCustomTask1 As DTS.DataPumpTask2

oTask = goPackage.Tasks.New("DTSDataPumpTask")

oCustomTask1 = oTask.CustomTask (ERROR)



oCustomTask1.Name = "Copy Data from BOL_CLEVELAND_FINAL to [Marketing].[dbo].[bOL_CLEVELAND_FINAL1] Task"

oCustomTask1.Description = "Copy Data from FINAL to [Mark].[dbo].[FINAL1] Task"

oCustomTask1.SourceConnectionID = 1

oCustomTask1.SourceSQLStatement = "select `Field5`,`Field2`,`ACCOUNT,`INDEX` from `FINAL`"

oCustomTask1.DestinationConnectionID = 2

oCustomTask1.DestinationObjectName = "[Mark].[dbo].[FINAL1]"

oCustomTask1.ProgressRowCount = 1000

oCustomTask1.MaximumErrorCount = 0

oCustomTask1.FetchBufferSize = 1

oCustomTask1.UseFastLoad = True

oCustomTask1.InsertCommitSize = 0

oCustomTask1.ExceptionFileColumnDelimiter = "|"

oCustomTask1.ExceptionFileRowDelimiter = vbCrLf

oCustomTask1.AllowIdentityInserts = False

oCustomTask1.FirstRow = 0

oCustomTask1.LastRow = 0

oCustomTask1.FastLoadOptions = 2

oCustomTask1.ExceptionFileOptions = 1

oCustomTask1.DataPumpOptions = 0


Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub1(oCustomTask1)


oCustomTask1 = Nothing

oTask = Nothing


End Sub


It looks to me as if it is one of those default problem when converting from VB 6 to .NET



I have update with SP 3 on the desktop as well, but I am still having the same problem as before

I do not know if this have something to do with it, nut he desktop computer have install SQL Server with the client tools. AS I said before I have update the desktop with SP 3 for desktop. I am still showing the same problem

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