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Trying to invoke calls to .CHM help using Win32 API.

The function is declared as follows

Public Declare Function HTMLHelp Lib "HHCtrl.ocx" Alias "HtmlHelpA" _

(ByVal hWndCaller As Long, ByVal pszFile As String, ByVal uCommand As Long, _

ByVal dwData As Integer) As Long


The call to this function runs straight through and returns a Windows handle reference but no Help Window is invoked.


The test of the HTML API when I use the Microsoft Help Workshop picks out the targetted page fine.

:confused: Any suggestions

  • *Experts*

What code are you using? Are you using the HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC constant for the uCommand parameter?


Const HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC As Integer = &H0

Also, you'll most likely need to convert the Long declares in the API to Integer for .NET, since ints in .NET are 32bit, whereas they are 16bit in VB6.


Thanks Guys,

the switch from declaring Long to Integer did the trick. Since I am new to .NET with no prior VB6 this was not easy to pick out so thanks again.


I am using the API instead of the Help class as I believe the Help is limited in how it can handle Popups. I want to have independant resource files for the user help instead of tooltip type strings embedded on each control.



:D Coolea

  • 2 years later...

htmlhelp.lib and managed code in C#




I am new in htmlhelp api.

I am hoping to use C# to access APIs provided by Microsoft HTML Help.

I am wondering if there is a way to access these apis using C#?

Are they exposed thru htmlhelp.lib?

How would I access them?


any hint and help is greatly appreciated.


thank you. :-)



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