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I have a VScrollBar control I've added to a form. I've shrink down the size and I plan to use it as a Updown type control, to update a Status label elsewhere on the screen. I've changed the properties of the VScrollBar to


Maximum = 0

Minimum = -200


And then the code looks like this:


   Private Sub VScrollBar1_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs) Handles VScrollBar1.Scroll
       lblStatus.Text = (VScrollBar1.Value * -1)
   End Sub


So basically what I'm trying to do here is make it so that when you click the up arrow, the number in the status label INCREASES.


Heres my problem. I can't go down below 9. I can start at 0 and click the down arrow and it changes to 9. I have VS.NET 2002 Academic Version.





It happens for me too, what you can do is lower the LargeChange property which causes this.


You're right , changing the LargeChange property to 1 fixed my problem.


thanks, I knew it was an easy fix.


But I don't understand why the LargeChange property comes into this!?! I thought that only fired when you actually clicked on the bar part of scroll bar....?

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