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If you say:


if not(a or b) Then

end if


logically, this statement would be,

if not A and not B Then

End if


but, contradictorily, wouldnt that turn into


if not A and B Then

End If



so basically, woundnt the Or change to an And when u remove the parenthesese


You may think im weird, but if you realy look into this logically, it would change..(or maybe im wrong)


but my other question is,

how would the compiler interpret it as?



The Pentium Guy

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if you picture a Boolean then this is what's happening...

first case:

'/// if neither of the Booleans ( A and B ) are True
If Not A And B Then
   '///do something because both are False
End If


in the second case:

'/// if either a is False , or b is False
If Not(a Or b) Then
   '///do something because either a or b are False
End If


hope it helps clear things a bit.

Hopefully A and B are both Boolean type, because Option Strict would complain.


they are booleans.


thankks dynamic_soup


that did clear things up. So basically, when u removed the parenthesees, the Or changed to an And :)

My VB.NET Game Programming Tutorial Site (GDI+, Direct3D, Tetris [coming soon], a full RPG.... you name it!)


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