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I have a listbox in a datagrid that can contain up to two selections. How can I return the selected indexes of the two values? I know how to do it for a listbox that has a selectionmode of "single", but not for multiple.


Here is my HTML:

<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Riders">


<asp:listbox AutoPostBack="False" BackColor="#ffffff" id="lstRider" runat="server" Rows="1" DataSource="<%# DsRider1 %>" Enabled="True" SelectionMode="Multiple" DataTextField="UserName" DataValueField="UserName" SelectedIndex='<%# GetRiderUserName() %>' />






I'm executing a function "GetRiderUserName" in my code-behind to return the selected indices, but don't quite know how to do it. This is as far as I've got:


Public Function GetRiderUserName() As Integer


'Returns the index of the username

Dim i As Integer

Dim blnFound As Boolean = False

Dim bytFoundCnt As Byte = 0


For i = 0 To DsCalDteRider1.CalDteRiders.Rows.Count

If DsCalDteRider1.CalDteRiders.Item(i).Username = DsRider1.Riders.Item(i).Username Then

blnFound = True

If bytFoundCnt = 2 Then 'Max selections allowed

Exit For

End If


blnFound = False

End If



If blnFound Then

Return DsRider1.Riders.Item(i).RowNbr


Return -1

End If


End Function


How can I turn "Return DsRider1.Riders.Item(i).RowNbr" into the selected indexes of a possible two selections?



Bill Yeager (MCP, BCIP)

Microsoft Certified Professional

Brainbench Certified Internet Professional, .Net Programmer, Computer Programmer

YeagerTech Consulting, Inc.


I figured it out. However, there is one thing I'm confused about though. The following statement I have for my other listbox in the DataGrid1_ItemDataBound event which is a single selection listbox:


lstCrewChiefTemp.SelectedIndex = lstCrewChiefTemp.Items.IndexOf(lstCrewChiefTemp.Items.FindByValue(e.Item.DataItem("Username")))


The above statement automatically selects the value in the listbox without apparantly comparing it to anything else to see if it matches (like I did in the multiple listbox - following example): Note: the "Username" is the DataValueField for the listbox and I have a datasource associated with it: DsCrewChief1


For i = 0 To DsCalDteRider1.CalDteRiders.Rows.Count

If DsCalDteRider1.CalDteRiders.Item(i).Username = DsRider1.Riders.Item(i).Username Then

strUsername = DsRider1.Riders.Item(i).Username

lstRiderTemp.Items.FindByValue(strUsername).Selected = True

bytFoundCnt += bytFoundCnt

If bytFoundCnt = 2 Then 'Max selections allowed

Exit For

End If

End If



How does this statement work correctly in selecting the proper listitems???


lstCrewChiefTemp.SelectedIndex = lstCrewChiefTemp.Items.IndexOf(lstCrewChiefTemp.Items.FindByValue(e.Item.DataItem("Username")))



Bill Yeager (MCP, BCIP)

Microsoft Certified Professional

Brainbench Certified Internet Professional, .Net Programmer, Computer Programmer

YeagerTech Consulting, Inc.

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