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I want to build a datarelation between an

SQL-Table and an XML-Document.


The task is to filter the table (about 10000 records) with a list of ID-Values (about 100) presented in the XML-Doc


I create the relation by joining the two tables of the dataset grafically in the designer and this works fine.


But when i try to call


sqlDataAdapter.Fill (dataset)


i get an error telling me, that either the non-null, the unique or the foreign-key constraint are violated


can anybody tell me why ??


i think my code will not help a lot here, but anyway:





childCol = DataSet11.Tables("zbz").Columns("ZAEHLB_ID")

parentCol = DataSet11.Tables("slave").Columns("ZAEHLB_ID")

Dim relMasterSlave As DataRelation

relMasterSlave = New DataRelation("masterslave", parentCol, childCol)





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