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I need to get a column length from either dataset, datasource, or a row object. What is the syntax for it?


Here is the old syntax (ASP):




Thank you

  • 1 month later...
  • *Experts*
Is the first column a text field? MaxLength only returns the max lenth of text fields, and won't return the max value of number fields.

You need to get the table schema first before you can be able to get the column length:


1. Create your connection

2. Create you Command object(Your SQL-> this will contain the table that you go after), connection)

3. Create your OleDbDataAdapter (or SQLDataAdapter)

4. Create your DataSet


5. Your dataAdapter.FillSchema(Your Data Set, System.Data.SchemaType.Mapped);


Once you make the FillSchema call, your Maxlength shouldn't return -1 anymore.


Hope this will help...


Here is my code:



Public Function SelectRows(ByVal query As String) As DataTable

Dim conn As New Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection(dbConnS)

Dim adapter As New Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter

Dim tDataSet As New DataSet


Dim tDataTable As New DataTable


SelectRows = Nothing


adapter.SelectCommand = New Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand(query, conn)

adapter.Fill(tDataSet, System.Data.SchemaType.Mapped)

tDataTable = tDataSet.Tables(0)

Dim etest As Integer

For etest = 0 To tDataTable.Columns.Count - 1

MsgBox(tDataTable.Columns(etest).MaxLength.ToString, , tDataTable.Columns(etest).ToString)



SelectRows = tDataTable










It returns -1 as maxlen for every field. I added "System.Data.SchemaType.Mapped" to the fill command and still no avail.

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