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I'm creating a new row in my datatable:



...and update the database:

SqlDA = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(strSql,connectionString)

sqlCommBuild = New SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder(SqlDA)



The problem is: i want to know the primary key of the created row, which is an auto-increment number in my sql-server.


I can't update the dataset from the database, because, of course, i don't have the primary key...

// Hugo
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I've never used the commandbuilder but you can change the direction of the parameter of your primary key to output and modify the stored proc to send it out.

I've been able to get it with this snippet. I'm using a full dataset rather than just a datatable, but I think it should still work. Once you update the database, it populates that column in your row with the key generated from the auto-increment


daOrder = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM ORDERINFO", gDBConn)

Dim autoOrder As New SqlCommandBuilder(daOrder)

daOrder.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey

daOrder.Fill(dsNew, "ORDERINFO")


Dim newrow As DataRow = dsNew.Tables("ORDERINFO").NewRow()


newrow("PRODUCT") = cb_Product.SelectedValue

newrow("CUSTOMER") = cb_Customer.SelectedValue

newrow("FACILITY") = CInt(cb_Facility.SelectedValue)

newrow("ORDERACTIVE") = True



daOrder.Update(dsNew, "ORDERINFO")



gCurrOrd = newrow("ORDERID")

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