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Just a tip, I was perusing through dotnetforums looking for a way to scroll to the bottom of a list view automatically. I found this code to subclass the listview control to scroll to bottom:



public class ScrollerListView : ListView


// values obtained from winusr.h

const int WM_SCROLL = 0x0115;

const IntPtr SB_BOTTOM = (IntPtr) 7;


public void AddItem( ListViewItem new_item )


// add the item to the items collection

Items.Add( new_item );


// have to Create a message

Message msg = Message.Create(

Handle, // the hwnd handle


SB_BOTTOM, // wParam

IntPtr.Zero ); // null as not sent by scrollbar


// call protected WndProc method

WndProc( ref msg );





However i found a way that may be better without subclassing. The listview control has a way built in to scroll to bottom. Here is a sample:





private FillListView(dt)


foreach(DataRow dr in dt)


//fill list view....






int intCnt = 0 ;

intCnt = listView1.Items.Count -1 ;

// ensure that item count is greater than zero...

if(intCnt > 0)


// Getting item count and using it with the EnsureVisible

// method enures that the listview will always scroll to

// bottom.

listView1.Items[intCnt].EnsureVisible() ;







I hope will help somebody out there.



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