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I have a series of bound controls located on two pages of a tab control on a form. Lets say TextBox1 is on TabPage1 and TextBox 2 is on TabPage2. Both are bound to a DataSet.

If I type in Textbox 1 and then click to TabPag2 and come back to TabPage1, whatever I typed is there.

However, if I set the value of Textbox1.Text to a value in code in the Form_Load event, then click to TabPage2, when I come back to TabPage1, all my data is gone. However, the items I typed by hand still persist.

Has anyone run into this and, if so, is there a work-around. Several of the data screens I am creating have too many fields to appear on one form and I need an option to show one "Screen" of information at a time.



  • *Experts*

If you're using bound controls, never set the control's Text property as it won't update the dataset. Instead, set the dataset's value, which will automatically reflect in the bound control.



"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center." - Kurt Vonnegut

Setting Default Values of New Record


How would I set the "default" values in code using the BindingContext to move to a new record. If I have -


BindingContext(dsDataSet, "tblSomeTable").AddNew()


I was then using -




However, that got erased when I went to Tab Page 2. How do I set the underlying Dataset to the default values. I can't do this in the database itself as the "Default" values depend on the user and are dynamic (e.g., one of them is the User's name). I am trying to keep the ability to ignore the record if the user doesn't type anything in the record (e.g. the user moves to a new record, then moves back one record without entering data), similar to what Access does natively.


Figured it out


Disregard, I figured it out. For anyone else having this difficulty, I set the default values I wanted by using -


dsDataSet.Tables(0).Columns("ColumnName").DefaultValue = Value


Value can be static, a variable, or even a function that returns a value. FYI in case this helps anyone else out there :)

  • *Experts*

That will work if you really want that value to be the default for every row, which you might. If you just want the values to be pre-populated one time, use NewRow and Add. You won't be able to use the BindingContext to add a row though - you'll have to use the original DataTable. Try something like:

Dim row as DataRow = dsDataSet.Tables("tblSomeTable").NewRow()
row("ColumnName") = Value


On the last line, the Add method might be AddRow, I can't remember offhand.



"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center." - Kurt Vonnegut

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