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There is a MdiChildActivate event that occurs on a parent MDI form. This event is raised when a child form is activated or closed. The help documentation is very limited on this event. I need to know 2 things. First, can you tell if the child is closing or being activated? Secondly, can you tell which index in the array of child forms is closing?


Any help is appreciated



  • Leaders

you could create a handler for closing on your mdiParent form , eg :

Private WithEvents frm As Form

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
   Dim frmChild As New Form2()
   frmChild.MdiParent = Me.ActiveForm
   AddHandler frmChild.Closing, AddressOf frm_Closing
   '/// add any extra handlers that you would need here.
End Sub

Private Sub frm_Closing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles frm.Closing
   Dim f As Form = sender
   MessageBox.Show("closing " & f.Name)
End Sub

i'm sure it could be modified for an array of forms quite easily.

The point is that there already is an event to cover this... Unfortunately they decided not to document it very well :( Perhaps I will have to research it more.. Thanks for your help dynamic_sysop.
  • Leaders

i mean have a universal event in your mdi parent that handles the closing of all child windows ( then you will see when a child window closes / get it's value )

not the standard event which is in the child window.

eg , when an mdi child ( say called Child1 ) closes / attempts to close , this sub ( in your mdi Parent form ) will handle it / see which child form is closing ...

Private Sub frm_Closing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles frm.Closing
   Dim f As Form = sender '//// the MDI CHILD.
   MessageBox.Show("closing " & f.Name)
End Sub

  • *Gurus*
Nothing is passed to that event; You have to look at the ActiveMdiChild property to see which one has become active. This could be null - the event is raised when the last child has been closed. If you want to see which one was the last one activated, you'll have to keep track of that yourself.

MVP, Visual Developer - .NET


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