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Hi everyone.

My webclient code works fine for downloading a single file from a website.

But now I would like to download two or as many as there are files on the website. This gives an error as follows, although it still downloads the second file too.?:

The error is: An unhandled exception of type 'system.net.webexception occured in system.dll'

'Additional information: The remote server returned an error (404) not found'


Thank you


This is the code.


Dim strURL As String = "http://www.test.com/images/"

Dim strFileName1 As String = "pic1.gif"

Dim strFileName2 As String = "pic2.JPG"

Dim strFullPath1 As String = Nothing

Dim strFullPath2 As String = Nothing

Dim wc As New WebClient


strFullPath1 = strURL + strFileName1

strFullPath2 = strURL + strFileName2


wc.DownloadFile(strFullPath1, strFileName1)

wc.DownloadFile(strFullPath2, strFileName2)

  • Leaders

try this :

   Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
       Dim client(1) As Net.WebClient
       Dim strUrls() As String = {"http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/images/blue/on.gif", "http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/images/smilies/mad.gif"}
       Dim strPath() As String = {"D:\im1.gif", "D:\im2.gif"}
       Dim x As Integer

       For x = 0 To 1
           client(x) = New Net.WebClient()
           client(x).DownloadFile(strUrls(x), strPath(x))

   End Sub

  • *Experts*
I tried your code, none of those two imaes exist on the server. Tried downloading and viewing in browser. Thats why the error. Maybe you should look for some other website with images for testing



With the help of someone on this site I have managed to download specific files from a web site and save them on the local machine.


But now I would like to loop through the folder in the website and one by one collectthe files and on each loop upload the files




This bit of code downloads specific files from a website to the local machine

Dim strURL As String = "http://www.test.com/images/"

Dim strFileName() As String = {"image1.jpg", "image2.gif"}

Dim strFullPath As String

Dim wc(1) As WebClient


For i As Integer = 0 To 1


wc(i) = New WebClient

strFullPath = strURL & strFileName(i)

wc(i).DownloadFile(strFullPath, "C:\Farshad\Net\VB\Windows\" & strFileName(i))






This bit of code gets all the files in a folder on the local machine...


Dim d() As String


d = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles("C:\Farshad\Net\VB\Files\")


Dim en As System.Collections.IEnumerator


en = d.GetEnumerator


While en.MoveNext


End While



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