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I have this problem with the Addhandler syntax :


Tutorials all give this syntax

AddHandler obj.event, AdressOf obj_event


But I have the following code :


Dim x As New TextBox()

x.Name = "TextBox3"

x.Location = New Point(112, 416)


AddHandler x.MouseEnter, AddressOf textbox3_MouseEnter


And 'TextBox3_MouseEnter' is underlined and i'm asked to declare it (and the prog won't work)

Do i really have to declare it and if yes, how should i declare it?


Please help me!!


  • Leaders

withevents at the area just below " windows generated code "


Dim WithEvents x As TextBox

'//// in a click or sub.....
x.Name = "TextBox3" 
x.Location = New Point(112, 416) 
x = New TextBox()
AddHandler x.MouseEnter, AddressOf textbox3_MouseEnter 

sommet like that.

  • Leaders

here's a working example :

Dim WithEvents x As Button

   Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
       x = New Button()
       x.Text = "button3"
       x.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(300, 50)
       x.Visible = True
       AddHandler x.Click, AddressOf Button1_Click
   End Sub

Sorry if you think this is obvious, but other than in old VB6 you need to have the program code, i.e. the function that will later work as the event handler *beforehand* (well not the entire code, but the signature). It will not be auto-generated.

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