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I need something like that really bad.


All P2P download software has one of these icredible listView control. It reflects Hierachy as well as details.


Have any of the gurus done something here? Like theMagic library or divils widgets. This should be one made available to the crowd too!

Auto-suggestion: "I have a life"

Uncontroled thinking: "So what the.."

  • *Experts*

If I'm not mistaken, a Windows Common Controls ListView has built in support for item indentation (in intervals of 16x16 I think; the size of a small icon). With a custom draw ListView (and a lot of code!) it shouldn't be too hard to emulate this.


You'll need to be an API guru before you'll get very far with this.



The alternative is writing your own control from scratch, and that might be easier than custom-drawing a ListView. The downside is that it won't be a Windows Common Control, so isn't compatible with the common controls in other programs.


I suggest you look into the following things:

LVITEM struct (the iIndent member, particularly)

LVM_INSERTITEM SendMessage message


You're going to have to do some heavy API stuff, since the built in ListView wrapper doesn't support all of the options provided in the LVITEM structure.


Volteface, this is not my level.

I've always pasted API codes with admiration:p

very useful.


But the question is: WHERE do i get myself one of these?????

Auto-suggestion: "I have a life"

Uncontroled thinking: "So what the.."

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