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I'm new to using XML, so I've been trying to work out some demos from help. I'm trying to use an XMLReader to read an XML file but I keep getting an exception. In VS2003 is get an exception that says

"There is an invalid character in the given encoding. Line 1, position 3." and in VS2002 the same code and the same XML file gives the exception "Invalid byte was found at byte index 2."


I'm using the following code


Imports System.Xml

Imports System.IO


Module Module1


Sub Main()

Dim reader As XmlTextReader = Nothing

Dim strFilePath As String = Path.GetDirectoryName( _

System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.GetName.CodeBase _

& "\simple.xml")



' Load the reader with the data file and ignore all white space nodes.

reader = New XmlTextReader(strFilePath)

reader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None


' Parse the file and display each of the nodes.

While reader.Read()

Select Case reader.NodeType

Case XmlNodeType.Element

Console.Write("<{0}>", reader.Name)

Case XmlNodeType.Text


Case XmlNodeType.CDATA

Console.Write("<![CDATA[{0}]]>", reader.Value)

Case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction

Console.Write("<?{0} {1}?>", reader.Name, reader.Value)

Case XmlNodeType.Comment

Console.Write("<!--{0}-->", reader.Value)

Case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration

Console.Write("<?xml version='1.0'?>")

Case XmlNodeType.Document

Case XmlNodeType.DocumentType

Console.Write("<!DOCTYPE {0} [{1}]", reader.Name, reader.Value)

Case XmlNodeType.EntityReference


Case XmlNodeType.EndElement

Console.Write("</{0}>", reader.Name)

End Select

End While

Catch e As XmlException



Catch e As Exception



If Not (reader Is Nothing) Then


End If

End Try



End Sub


End Module



and my XML file is


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!-- This simple data represents food items in a grocery store -->


<StoreName>Brian's Groceries</StoreName>


<Department Name="Breads">

<Item ID="B1">

<Name>Wonder Bread</Name>


<New />


<Item ID="B2" Type="Muffin">

<Name>Blueberry Muffin</Name>


<New />



<Department Name="Fruits">

<Item ID="F1">









Am i missing something fundamental? I didn't write this code myself, I copied from the help that ships with VS2003 and the XML file came from an example I downloaded. Any help would be very much appreciated. Eventually I want to be reading an XML file on a compact framework app so if anyone has any pointers for that too I would be very grateful!


Thanks in advance

  • 1 month later...

Hi, just have encountered the same problem.


It seems to come from the comment : if you erase the first 2 comment lines of your xml file this should work :

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!-- This simple data represents food items in a grocery store -->

Maybe MS should update this, I am now searching how to get xml comment read. If anyine knows...




From what I know so far I can tell you that you sould leave the fisrt line in as it is a declaration. It is optional but tells the xml parser what version the xml document conforms to.


To access a parts of the xml file use XMLElement, XMLComment, XMLAttribute etc from the NodeType enum.

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