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Is there any way to Dim check boxes...so in the code below I can do a loop to dynamically define check boxes?


Public Sub gettxt()

Dim val As Integer

Dim text(200)

Dim result(200)

Dim counter As Integer

Dim val1 As Integer

Dim text1 As String

Dim i1 As Integer

Dim verb1 As String

Dim verb2 As String

Dim verb3 As String

Dim verb4 As String

Dim verb5 As String

Dim j As Integer

Dim i As Integer

Dim Mycheck(5) As CheckBox

For i = 1 To 5



Next i



val = Mycheck(1).CheckState


verb1 = "one"

verb2 = "two"

verb3 = "three"

verb4 = "four"

verb5 = "five"


'Mycheck(1).Text = verb1


counter = 0


'If Mycheck(1).CheckState = 1 Then text(1) = verb1 Else If Mycheck(1).CheckState = 0 Then text(1) = ""

'If Check2.CheckState = 1 Then text(2) = verb2 Else If Check2.CheckState = 0 Then text(2) = ""

' If Check3.CheckState = 1 Then text(3) = verb3 Else If Check3.CheckState = 0 Then text(3) = ""

' If Check4.CheckState = 1 Then text(4) = verb4 Else If Check4.CheckState = 0 Then text(4) = ""

' If Check5.CheckState = 1 Then text(5) = verb5 Else If Check5.CheckState = 0 Then text(5) = ""


For j = 1 To 200

If text(j) <> "" Then counter = counter + 1 : result(counter) = text(j) Else

Next j


' text with punctuation

val1 = val - 1

If val = 1 Then text1 = result(1) Else

If val = 2 Then text1 = result(1) & " and " & result(2) Else

If val > 2 Then

For i1 = 1 To val1

text1 = text1 & result(i1) & ", "

Next i1

text1 = text1 & "and " & result(val)

End If

RichTextBox1.Text = text1


End Sub

End Class

  • *Experts*

You have to intiliazie the checkbox before adding it to the form.

Replace this:

For i = 1 To 5

Next i


For i = 1 To 5
MyCheck(i) = New CheckBox
Next i

  • *Experts*

That was only an example, you also have to change the location property, becuase right now they are being drawn over eachother.

For i = 1 To 5
MyCheck(i) = New CheckBox
MyCheck(i).Location = New Point(xcoordinate, y coordinate)
Next i

Substitute xcoordinate and ycoordinate with numbers.

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