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Xtreme .Net Talk

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I'm working on a final project for school using c++, c#, and vb combined. For this I needed to create a vb.net form that will pop up and display movie clips. So I downloaded dx9 and am brand new to it. The audio was extremely simple as was getting a movie clip to play. However, putting the movie where I want it (Inside a vb form) is not so easy or maybe I'm just blind, which is a definite possiblity. Or if embedding it in a form is not an option or a difficult one that nobody can answer then how can I maniputlate the window that the movie automatically plays in(ex: make it topmost, set the size, position, etc.) Any help would be greatly appreciated.


'It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.'


If you want to display a movie on the form isn't it just

MyVideo.Owner = Me


To change the Window Position

Me.Location.X=100 : Me.Location.Y=100
Me.Width=400 : Me.Height=400
Me.TopMost=True 'Always On Top
Me.Focus() 'Make this window active

AudioVideoPlayback resizes to fit the container

.Net allows software to be written for any version of Windows and not break like Unmanaged applications unless using Unmanaged procedures like APIs. If your program uses large amounts of memory but releases it when something else needs it, then what's the problem?
  • 3 weeks later...

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