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Hello, I have a problem. My boss wants me to use VB.NET to create an application that must then be installed on computers without the .NET framework.


Is there anything on the market that allows you to create a setup package including not only the VB.NET app but also the required framework? The framework version I use is the 1.1.


What I mean is, the users should only run the setup once and at the end of the installation they should find both the VB.NET program and the framework installed on their computer.


Thanks in advance.


P.S. I tried to convince my boss to let me use VB5 or VB6 but there was no way to persuade him.

Pasquale Esposito

Perugia - Italy


  • Leaders

personally i wouldn't persuade someone to use vb5 / vb6 to build an application over vb.net , as vb.net is far better :)

not sure if you can use a set up program like "Inno" and then just specify for it to include the .net framework , it should then register it on install

You can download the bootstrap setup file from MS. It checks if the framework is installed on the target PC. If it does not, then it installs it before installing your app. You just have to edit an ini file. I dont know the link, but its well documented on MS site.

This Bootstrap setup file sounds really interesting. Unfortunately, I'm very bad at doing searches on MS Web site. I tried but I couldn't find it. Can anybody provide me with the link and/or additional information to download it? Thanks in advance.


P.S. I'd like to take advantage of this discussion to ask you another two quick questions: (1) Do you know what other versions of MS Windows, besides Windows 2003, support the .NET framework natively? (2) Can an application developed in VB.NET 2003 run on a platform equipped with the .NET Framework v.1.0?

Pasquale Esposito

Perugia - Italy


  • *Experts*

This link should help you:



Windows 2003 is currently the only one that comes with .NET framework, but Microsoft plans to include the .NET framework in a service pack for XP. The next ones will cmoe with the native support for .NET framework.


Although VS.NET 2003 compiles against .NET framework 1.1 there is an option of supported runtimes. Go to solution explorer, right click your project, then properties, then open the Common Properties, then Build. I dont recommend doing this.


I clicked on the link you gave me and I found this message:



Creating a Single Setup Project to Install a .NET Framework Application and Dotnetfx.exe

Note: This topic applies only to the .NET Framework version 1.0 redistributable package. For information about deploying the .NET Framework version 1.1 core redistributable, see the .NET Framework Deployment Guide Web site at http://www.msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnnetdep/html/dotnetframedepguid.asp.



When I visited the Web site suggested, I got the following note:



Note : The deployment guide for version 1.1 of the .NET Framework will be available soon.



Unfortunately, I've got MS Visual Studio .NET 2003 and so all the istructions provided for the .NET Framework v.1.0 do not apply to the version I use.


I'll visit MS Web Site in a few weeks and see if I can find something that fits my needs.


I'd like to exploit your generosity and professionalism to ask you another question: does Microsoft allow you to buy a licence for VB.NET and then convert it into a licence for VB6? If yes, do you have to already possess a CD-ROM with VB6 ?


Thanks again.

Pasquale Esposito

Perugia - Italy


  • *Experts*

Did you try to do it? Maybe it would work, I dont know as I havnt tried it :)


Its not possible to just exchange the license, you would have to buy it.


I remember I read something about this possibility. The only doubt I have regards the fact whether you must already have a CD with VB6 or Microsoft will give it to you when you buy the VB.NET licence that you want to convert.


Unfortunately, there's no way you can find VB6 in computer shops. At least in Italy, where I live.

Pasquale Esposito

Perugia - Italy



Thanks, I'll take a look at ebay.


The conclusions I have come to at the end of this discussion are the following:


1. Creating a self-sufficient setup package for VB.NET applications is not as easy as it is for programs developed in VB5 or VB6. So, this operation, which is quite elementary under VB5 or VB6, could become a headache using VB.NET.


2. At present, the only version of the MS operating system that supports the .NET framework natively is Windows Server 2003. Unfortunately, no computer in the school I work is equipped with that version of the OS.


3. Even in the case in which a computer is equipped with the .NET framework, you have to make sure that the framework version is 1.1, otherwise you won't be able to run your software on that machine. The solution explorer may help you to a certain extent but this tool is not recommended. Shortly speaking, there's no backward compatibility.


Well, in spite of the fact that I like VB.NET and I'd love to develop software with it, I have to take into consideration the problems you encounter when you want to distribute .NET based applications.


As I said, my boss shows stubborn resistance to the use of previous versions of Visual Basic (he always wants to keep updated) but, thanks to this discussion, I'll probably manage to convince him to make an exception. I'll just show him a printed copy of the thread I posted and your replies.


Thank you very much indeed for your help.

Pasquale Esposito

Perugia - Italy


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