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1. Downloaded complete Dx9sdk

2. Installed Debug and retail versions of dx9

3. I understand that C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Managed DirectX is where all the important files are.That folder is blank excpet for some xml files

4. Visual Studio cannot find any references to DirectX9. It seems as if it doesn't exist.


I tried to extract the files from the cabinet files, still didn't work.


Seems to me like the deadly Micrsoft strikes again, or at least they pulled a Homer on the sdk.

  • *Experts*
I use VS.NET 2003 with DX9 and have no problems when I add the references to the project. I simply go to the solution explorer and add the needed references.
well i have spent the last 5 minutes looking through each reference item - DX9 is either not installed or does not exists, which ever comes first. What reference are you using, becasue I can't find mine?
  • *Experts*

The DirectX references show up in the listbox of the references when I click Add Reference in soultion explorer, on my computer. I dont need to use the browse button.

Also make sure you downloaded the DX9.0a version not DX9.0.

You need Microsoft DirectX Libraries for .NET (Managed Librairies). Those librairies are available as part of DirectX 9 SDK in a file named mdxredist.msi. Run this or install DirectX 9 SDK and you should be able to open Visual Studio projects that use managed DirectX.

i've had that same problem...


try downloading the SDK Developer Runtime for directx9.0a...


i've set made a custom Visual Studio setup project which (at least on the machines i've tested - winxp/2003) installs managed directx. since NONE of the executables from microsoft installed it - except for the developer runtime.


you can try my setup here

My Managed DirectX Setup (1.1Mb)

(just install it on the same directory which it is... it installs the assemblies to the GAC)


or microsoft's developer runtime download.

DirectX 9.0a Developer Runtime (86Mb)


Co2: that file you mentioned doesn't seem to install on some machines for some weird reason. on all of my windows xp / 2003 machines, it wouldn't even run... it'd open and leave. maybe this is the problem that RazerWriter is having.


(sorry for the double post. Co2 posted while i was writing my other post)


When I ran mdxredist.msi, it didn't display any messages. It was just a commun windows installer dialog with a progress bar. It was like a silent installation.


I think it still installs the required librairies.


I had this same problem yesterday


I had run into this same dilemma yesterday and after much trouble, finally got directx 9 to work in VB.Net. After I noticed this problem, I uninstalled DirectX 9 SDK, ran windows update to make sure everything was up-to-date (I recently rebuilt my machine and had not updated windows yet). I then rebooted my computer, logged in as Administrator and installed the DirectX 9.0a SDK. After this, everything worked properly. I'm not sure which of these 3 steps fixed the problem, though I'm wondering if it was making sure I was logged in as Administrator before installing the SDK. The documentation mentions this specifically as necessary for proper installation.

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