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Begginer in ASP.Net

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I've read alittle about ASP.net, 'cause I want to make a web

application, and I want to ask you if ASP.net is the right way to make it?


Well, I want to make a web application that know how to access SQL

serevr database. I know VB, and I read that I can use VB inside ASP code.

Does ASP.net is the best way to do it? Is it the only way?



Thanks !

Ido. :)


You may use simple ASP pages (VBscript or Javascript) instead ASP.NET

But ASP.NET provide you powerful development environment like VBA.

No more scripts - clear VB code.

Sorry about my English.

You can ask me in Hebrew.


Thanks Alexk,



Sorry, I have problems with my hebrew letters, so I have to stick to the

English ones, it is better also, if someone else is interested with this

thread, and English is the laungauge of the world , you know...:)



so, if I get this right the different between ASP and ASP.net is only with

the environment? Can I do everything in ASP, like web forms,controls,...

as I can make with ASP.net? (I guess it much easy to make it with

ASP.net? yes?)


By the way? does the environment is Visual Studio.net?



Thanks, :)


I will try answer step by step on your questions.

1) The differences are not in environment only, but in concept completely.

For example: Most code is server-side - not client-side. Most control's events are handled on server - not on client.


2) Yes, you can make everything in ASP using HTML tags in any text editor or using InterDev or FrontPage, but debuging is more more more difficult.

Yes, it much easy to make it with ASP.NET


3) You must install "MicroSoft Visual Studio.NET" if you want use ASP.NET and ADO.NET technologies.


OK, thanks.


The extenstion make the different (aspx).


I want to understand one (BIG) thing:


The way to make a web application that will sit on a server, and any

client will have acces to it, is by using ASP.NET only? I guess not,

I guess I could do this with ASP as well. So what is the big different/s

between them? Does the fact that ASP.net is integrated with Visual studio

and ASP is not, make the big change?



Thanks, :)

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